Oct 23, 2006

Sassy Ms.Dewey

If you're searching for a new search engine interface with an attitude, then you might want to check out msdewey.com. The new-age librarian everyone will be talking about.

The first four minutes are cute and if you're into saucy looks and a lot of pouting you'll find this entertaining. Guys, get ready to ogle, she's a looker.
If any of you have simple PSTN dial-up connections, I'm not sure how fast it will work. She not only takes her sweet time to get results back, she's a smart mouth as well. It's good for some laughs but when you're in a hurry, Ms. Dewey can be a pain the ass.

I typed "pain in the ass" for her to search, she responded "I'm sure that you can be arrested in 38 countries and Mississippi for just thinking like that...". Like I said, she's full of sass.

Who am I, Ms Dewey?

Thanks Chris for the heads up.