It could happen in minuscule mouse droppings or in hefty piles of elephant poo. Depends on how your luck is faring. I would like to make it known that today was a munificent bundle of grizzly bear excrement for me.
Grizzly bear doo-doo, exhibit A: I requested from my workplace's web host to switch operating system and activate a database and they accidentally switched on virtual e-mail activation; which has caused e-mail upheaval and 50 e-mail accounts acting as basketballs, bouncing back and forth between our mail server and our web host's servers. I was assured that DNS redirection will resolve itself in a couple of days.
Yes, shit happens. Try explaining that, however, to 49 angry e-mail users (the 50th is me and I'm very understanding).
Grizzly bear doo-doo, exhibit B: I left work with a pounding headache. Walked a couple blocks to reach my car and tried to unlock the door. Someone had violated my little Matiz. No lock. I went over to the passenger's side. Same thing. Both car locks had been pushed in and fallen in the car door. Nothing had been stolen from within the car. They had opened the glove compartment but hadn't taken the small change I keep there for toll booths. Someone wanted to vent some rage and took it out on my poor, defenceless car locks.
Yes, shit happens. Had to stop at the supermarket on my way home and kept my fingers crossed that no one would steal it from the parking lot. No one did, by the way.
Grizzly bear doo-doo, exhibit C: Finally got home. Mother-in-law met me at door, flustered and upset. Our basement had flooded. Some drain had been leaking apparently for a couple of days unbeknownst to the upper floor residents (in-laws live on the ground floor, we live on the first floor). Went to change my clothes and started scooping water in buckets. Husband was conveniently at work. Daughter#1 was at the Rockwave Festival and Daughter#2 was at summer camp. Where are a couple of extra hands when you need them?
Yes, shit happens. Leak was contained, water removed, mission accomplished.
I hope there's a quota limit to how much "shit can happen" in one day... I'm pooped.
Recently read:
- Flubberwinkle
- Athens, Greece
- Half of the day they call me "Athena" where I get paid to dabble with computers. The other half of the day I'm called "Mom", but I also have an online secret identity. I am bilingual, so what might look like Greek to you, probably is. I blog because it's cheaper than therapy and I like to make people laugh.
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